BMP Will be closed Dec.24-25 and Jan. 1. Happy Holidays!

Product News & Updates

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The History of Trash Capture and Stormwater Hoods and Traps

Catch basins, stormwater inlets, and other specialized structures have a long history of use as part of municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) in controlling…

Turbo Plate 3rd Party Testing Shows 80% Removals for 50-1000 micron sediment at 225 gpm.

BMP’s newest product, the Turbo Plate® was recently tested at Alden Labs in Holden, MA. At a flow rate of 225 gpm (gallons per minute)…

Making Boating Season Environmentally Friendly

Learn how the the Baltimore Boating Center has been working to clean up the waterways around its marina with BMP’s “Marina Kit.” The kit comes…