Turbo Plate 3rd Party Testing Shows 80% Removals for 50-1000 micron sediment at 225 gpm.

BMP’s newest product, the Turbo Plate® was recently tested at Alden Labs in Holden, MA. At a flow rate of 225 gpm (gallons per minute) the TP18 system, which is comprised of a TP18S, 2 TP18-90s and an 18R SNOUT removed 80% of the sediment with particle sizes ranging from 50-1000 microns.  The Turbo Plate system is a sediment baffle or energy dissipator that reduces the velocity and turbulence of stormwater flow with a very small head loss.  The reduction in turbulence greatly increases the sediment capture of a sump stormwater structure allowing users to gain far more utility from their stormwater infrastructure.  Turbo Plates sizes currently available are: TP12, TP18, TP24, TP30 and TP36. Call 800-504-8008 or send email to tjm@bmpinc.com to get the full report from Alden Labs.  Turbo Plate Specifications and part details are available on the Turbo Plate page and both the Products (choose Accessories or All to view) page or the Resources page.